- Only payments toward restitution or payments on restricted cases (Juvenile) can accepted through this payment site
- If you are paying your fine in full, requesting Traffic School or Pleading Guilty please visit our Online Portal
- Do not use the GovPayNet Link below for the above payments
- You must have a valid email address to pay online.
By clicking the below link, you will be redirected to the payment site

*Restitution and Restricted Case Payments Only*
If you do not have an email address, or should you need assistance in another language, you may also make a payment through the call center. If you case was or is scheduled for court within the last or next 5 days you can NOT pay over the phone or online, payments on cases up for court must be paid in person. Please note you will need the same case and party information listed above for an online payment. We suggest you have the information readily available prior to calling.
To make a payment by phone, please call 1- 888-604-7888, you will be prompted to give our Payment
Location Code (PLC) the code is a001bt.