As of  January 1, 2018 the State of Illinois has mandated that all civil filings must be filed electronically in all counties in Illinois. The Lake County Circuit Clerk's Office has adopted the State’s e-Filing solution. This means that while the Lake County Circuit Clerk’s Office accepts electronic filings, we do not provide our own e-filing system in Lake County.  Filers have a choice of choosing from a number of certified Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSPs) that have been certified by the State’s e-Filing Manager, to submit their filings electronically to Lake County. 

For more information on the Statewide E-Filing Initiative visit

Exemptions from E-Filing
The State of Illinois allows individuals who meet certain criteria, exemption from electonrically filing (e-filing) documents. To find out if you are eligible for exemption from e-filing please click HERE.

 NOTICE: Chrome, Firefox or Edge are recommended browsers for eFiling. 

Getting Started:

Register with an EFSP

  • Attorneys and filers must first select and register with one of the Electronic Filing Service Providers (EFSPs) that have been certified by the State’s e-Filing Manager (EFM). 
  • The list of the certified EFSPs as well as links and information as to services provided are available on the EFM’s website.

Click to register for an electronic filing service provider

Already Registered?
If you have already registered with an Electronic Filing Service Provider (EFSP) and would like to log in to  your account, click the button below.

Click to login with your electronic filing service provider


Need Assistance? How can we help?
For assistance with filings pending in eFiling or with a rejected filing please contact 847-377-3209 for Civil/Family Filings or 847-377-3250 for OP or Quasi-Criminal Filings. 
Please note there is a 24 to 48 business hour turn around time for review.

Court Forms & Procedures
eFiling Service Providers
eFiling Support
Remote Court Hearings
Scheduling a Court Date

If you need technical assistance (that is not regarding an already submitted or rejected eFiling envelope) please submit a help desk ticket with our office at the link below.  Please note that orders are not submitted via eFiling and must be submitted through the Online Portal

Help Desk

***This Helpdesk does not review e-Filing. For questions regarding the status of an envelope, please contact 847-377-3209 for Civil/Family or 847-377-3250 for OP/Quasi-Criminal.***

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